We will offer the best pricing

Our main goal is customer satisfaction, which we obtain through market orientation and the allocation of ongoing software service and support backed with competitive pricing.

  • Services Pricing
  • Products Pricing

Digital Marketing

25000 Starting Price

    • Search Engine Optimization
    • Social Media Optimization
    • Online Lead Generation
    • YouTube Marketing
    • Search Engine Optimization
    • Online Reputation Management
    • Pay Per Click Services
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Web Design And Development

15000 Starting Price

    • Mobile-Responsive
    • Few Seconds to Load
    • Cross Browser Compatibility
    • Optimized Content
    • Clear and Effective CTAs
    • Optimized for Search Engines
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Mobile App Development

50000 Starting Price

    • Integrate Push Notifications
    • High-quality Image Resolution
    • Incorporating Search Feature
    • Social Media Integration
    • Responsive App Design
    • Compliance with GDPR Standards
    • Cross-platform Coverage
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Algo Trading Software

8000 Starting Price

    • Fully Automated Demo Software
    • Integration With Trading Interface
    • Complimentary FREE Strategy
    • Max 2 Script Slots
    • Restriction On Quantity*
    • Extra Maintenance Charge: Rs.1K
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Scalping Trading Software

6000 Starting Price

    • Compatibility with with your trading platform
    • Paper trading feature available
    • Fully automated trading solution
    • Customization facility
    • 1 free technical script
    • Technical assistance and user guides
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Payroll Software

2500 Starting Price

    • Payslip templates

    • Automatic payroll calculation

    • Automatic payslip generation

    • Automatic TDS worksheet

    • LOP and LOP Reversal

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E-Sign Aadhar

500 Starting Price

    • Package Validity 15 Days
    • OFFER 15+15 DAYS = 30 DAYS
    • Pan Verification Rs.7
    • Aadhaar Verification Rs.13
    • Aadhaar Signature Rs.30
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E-Learning Stock Market

7000 Starting Price

    • Get Basic Knowledge
    • About Stock Market Regulatory
    • Live Chat Room Access
    • The Working of Stock Market
    • 6 Days Crash Course
    • Course Certificate Not Available
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